We have an extremely active Missions and Action committee that encourages our congregation to serve people in the local community, the southwest region of New Hampshire, the state, the country and the world. They provide visible displays of their mission through local events. Rummage sales, yard sales, school supplies, clothes for local children, soups for sale on “Souper” Bowl Sunday, providing supplies and letters for our sister church in Chiredzi, Zimbabwe, Crop Walk sponsorship (Ending Hunger One Step at a Time), the Fall Mountain Food Shelf (March is peanut butter month) and supplies for the Maplewood Nursing Home. We are a Five for Five church in the New Hampshire UCC. (Five for Five means we support special missions like: One Great Hour of Sharing, Strengthen The Church, and Neighbors In Need.)
Christian Education is primarily focused at this time on the youth. Sunday school, Children’s Sunday, Youth Group, service projects such as the Thanksgiving boxes, sponsored by the Fall Mountain Food Shelf, and participation in Sunday services, all provide opportunities for the children to learn, participate and grow. We also have a church library and a volunteer librarian with books and periodicals donated by individuals. In 2019, we started a Movie and Pizza night every other month. Hopefully, movie night will start up again in the fall. We now have an Adult Bible Study on Wednesdays at 4 p.m. via Zoom.
The Women’s Fellowship meets on a regular basis either in the Fellowship Hall or in individual member’s homes. We make sure the receptions for funerals and special services are ready. We oversee the Mistletoe Mart, which is our annual holiday fundraiser with seasonal crafts, food, plants, holiday gifts and a luncheon. We also support the church financially by providing money for special projects and needs. In addition we supplement the Missions and Action Committee with support for needy children and families in the Walpole, North Walpole and Drewsville areas.
The Men’s Fellowship meets on an irregular basis to provide support for the church and fellowship with each other. Our effort at this time is primarily expressed by the chicken barbecue. This is always a popular event. One year the men cooked 400 chicken halves for the Old Home Days barbecue dinner.